Not long after my last post my 10 month old grand daughter fell very ill. after 3 doctors visits my daughter took her to a local childrens hospital where she was admitted and diagnosed with Covid-19. My daughter, son in law and 2.5 year grand daughter all were diagnosed. All are doing ok. The baby was released day before yesterday and is doing well. My daughter is doing really well along with the 2.5 year old. My son in law is still struggling a bit.
I'm to tired right now to go into all the details of what happened and i'm still to angry! I'm angry at the people that disregard this as a serious illness for many. They make light of it by calling it everything but what it is COVID-19! One of my pet peeves! This is not racial or political...its a virus!! My family has been through hell with this. They told my daughter had the baby not gotten to the hospital when she did the baby would have died! DIED! Very traumatic to hear as a young mom 24 years old!
I'm still processing all we've been through so it may be a few more days before I have my thoughts together enough to post anything worthwhile. I just wanted to check in and say i'm still here. Take care, stay safe, stay positive and test negative!