Monday, December 28, 2020


I'd like to reintroduce myself to those that are new here. I am a 50+ year old woman that lives in the woods, very rural. I love to garden, both herbs and veggies, I love animal husbandry, peace and solitude. I do not subscribe to any one religious belief but believe we should follow the path that calls the loudest to our souls. I did however subscribe to the christian faith for almost 50 years. This blog is nothing more than a collection of my life's journey. I started it when my dad was ill. If you like to catch up and read past post, look to your right there you will see where it says blog archive. Go down to 2016, click/tap that and then scroll all the way to the bottom, there you will find my very first post. If anything from my past offends your sensibilities I am sorry, but it was/is my life from my perspective. From there you can go up and read all the way to today by clicking the dates on the right. So with that said I want to begin by a short reflection on this last year.

What can I say...LOL...been a helluva year for sure. I think we have experienced every emotion a human can have this year. For me its been about learning. Learning more about who I am, what I want out of the rest of my life, learning about other people which has been the hardest. I am moving back to blogging after a long time of thinking and trying to make face book work for me. I finally realized that at this time in my journey I am not face book material. 

See, facebook reminds me of the high school or college parties. Loud, way to loud music, obnoxious drunk people(minus the drunk), lights, everyone talking and no one listening. There are cliques of the cheerleaders, the preps, the jocks, the in betweens and the nerds. I fall into the nerd category...LOL...I am typically in real life quiet & reserved...I tend to take things in. I am the one in the corner with the rbf that everyone thinks is hateful or stuck up when in reality I am very uncomfortable. I am assessing the situation, feeling it out, feeling the vibes. If I am comfortable around you I am very outgoing and talkative. Facebook for me is the same as a loud party only with adults and on a much larger scale than high school or college and you should be dealing with mature adults...LOL...I see the same dynamics though....Everyone posting and commenting but no one is really listening to what anyone is saying, people just want to push an agenda. Everyone wants to be right, but unfortunately most of the time no one is! People will ask a question such as Why is this_____ or how is this________. Being the naive nerd I am, I answer honestly and truthfully only to be attacked and told why I am wrong...It happens all the time to people like me. We are really only trying to have an intelligent and meaningful conversation with the person that posed the question but in reality they just wanted to get likes or attention. Or you post something personal and you get told its not right....feelings are neither right nor wrong, they just are.... I am not like that and things like that steal your peace and make you feel terrible. People like this bait others into answering a question only to tell them they are wrong or make fun of them and have their bully friends join in. Yep! Not for me. So I have decided in order to keep my peace I must exit the party. My peace is far more important to me than facebook especially in these trying days. We have far bigger things to focus on. :0)

Blogging gives me a sense of quiet and joy. I can come over here, away from the noise. I don't have BS clogging up my feed or yet another baited question or seeing the gaslighters do their thing. It's quiet.

I want to be a beacon of light in these dark times. I certainly do not in any way have all the answers, but my hope is that you can glean some tidbit of wisdom from my thoughts and ruminations. My hope that is amongst the chaos in the world you can come here and find peace, solace and hope.

I also will offer no apologies for my typos or grammatical errors....I do not blog professionally. :o) I may post things from all religious affiliations, again I offer no apologies. I am accepting of all beliefs. If they go against my moral and ethical code of life, I move on and let them be. I hope you all can do the same. It tend to lean buddhist but do not subscribe to that philosophy 100%. So just know you may see things like that from time to time if you choose to read here.

In the upper left you will find a "follow by email" link. You can enter your email and get my post in your inbox once you verify your subscription so be sure to look for the email to verify, check your junk mail folder. Please feel free to comment kindly on any post here. But know I will not tolerate hate of any kind. If you do not like what I write you can simply unsubscribe to my blog. :0)

Love and Light!

Sunday, August 9, 2020

A wonderful week

It was a wonderful week here on the homestead. The garden was productive and so were we. As the pandemic ravages the country and political divide infects every aspect of life, we, are untouched in so many ways. I managed to stay positive and focus on all the goodness and blessings in my life. I enjoy sitting outside with my coffee and admiring the trees, the blue sky and the birds....I watch in amazement as I see the hummingbirds stop by for a quick bite...I see the bees and I am grateful for their contribution to our little really is good inspite of all that’s going on. While life is somewhat different during these times, I find I enjoy being home more than ever before....I’m blessed to have a home and place that offers respite from the storm....I know with time life will return to somewhat normal, but this is a time we won’t soon forget...I’m hopeful many take this time to reflect on what really important in life...I know we’ve learned many lessons during our time at post I’ll discuss some the greatest lessons.

Stay safe-

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Time for changes

As the world continues to war against this virus and political division I could no longer watch it unfold on Facebook. Daily I logged on with dread. Friendships falling apart over the silliest if things, families arguing, the division is times I got sucked peace was gone...I would get my wind again only to see the next big was to much...I am hopeful that by journaling my perspective here I can keep my sense of peace but also share what this pandemic is like from my reality. I am hopeful to write at least weekly if not more often.

Until next time....


Maybe the pandemic is a way for some of us to be still, be quiet and to reflect...maybe it’s a time of shifting and change...maybe it’s a way to let go of what you were, so that you can become what you’re meant to be! Maybe it’s a time of letting go of the old and embracing the new, finding out what path is meant for you and getting off the path that you were told was for you. Maybe it’s a time for new beginnings, new friendships, a new way of looking at things....maybe...maybe it’s a time refreshment, renewal and revitalization...maybe it’s time for your energy to shift to higher things...Embrace this time as positive to your growing spiritually, emotionally and as a human being. As chaos surrounds us, cling to that which brings you peace and helps center you.

Let’s be better!

I walked through my garden this morning after a nice little rain shower and noticed it’s getting tired...things are winding down and soon this season will be’s work will be done. My squash and zucchini have been over run by squash bugs, but that’s ok we’ve gotten plenty of squash and zucchini for us. Cucumbers have slowed to a crawl...tomatoes and peppers are still going strong admist the heat and lack of rain...they stand strong...with rain and cooler temps moving in I’m sure they will do even better!

As I sat there looking at the garden I was reminded of us, people, society....we are in a storm right now...the heat is turned up and there’s no relief in sight...we are getting tired.....we have the right and left and those in the middle...we have talking heads that say nothing of any usefulness ...As I look at my tomato plants, standing tall, still being productive inspite of the trials, it was a reminder that in the midst of our trials we need to stand tall...we need to be concerned with where we’re going and not where we’ve tomatoes and peppers focus on their job, their place in the garden...they give very little, if any energy to the cucumbers or tomatoes are focusing all their energy into themselves and what their purpose is, and producing the fruit they are meant to produce...if they focused all their energy on the squash that is dying they would be spending energy that they can’t afford to spend...their fruit would not make and even if it did, it would not be the quality it should be...When we, humans, maintain focus on what’s not right in our life, with the not so kind people in our life, in our society we get sucked in and can’t be productive...I’m not saying bury your head in the sand and pretend everything is ok, I’m saying make sure your energy is directed at staying healthy and focused on your purpose. Quit giving your energy to the negative, nothing good to say, everything is bad kinda stuff...We need to be aware as to what’s going on, but if we constantly dwell on the negative and what’s wrong we lose sight of what’s right....our fruit, our light, our ability to be productive will be diminished and we will begin to wilt, wither and die without ever being all we can be and producing the fruit we are meant to produce! I challenge each of you for one week focus on all that is good, right and positive! At the end of the week you will feel freer and more in control of your life! Soon all this will all pass and hopefully we’re better because of it.

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Times are changing

We’ve been in this pandemic for a few months now and no one knows how much longer it will last. Some believe it will end this summer, some believe we could be in this thing for a long while...I believe the latter. After years on social media and the past few month of seeing non stop chatter and arguing over this pandemic I had to take a break...not sure how long I’ll be gone or if I’ll ever go back. Our county is so divided at point I’m not sure we’ll ever come together again.

This morning I sat outside in the warmth of sun, enjoying my coffee and just thinking...I thought about my dad and how he would handle this pandemic, I thought about my best friend and if she were here what she would say...

In the distant blue sky I saw a bird flying, free from any care of this pandemic just soaring through the beautiful sky with ease! For a moment I wished I could that bird...

I saw a butterfly dancing around and it gracefully landed near me...I took the opportunity to snap a few sat quietly and patiently as I took them as if it knew this was somehow healing to me...once I had my pictures it flitted off waving it wings as if saying goodbye...I think it was a sign that my loved ones are still close🙂.

I went back to my coffee and my thoughts...I looked up at the trees and thought how strong they were, they go through so much...changing seasons, wind, rain, hail...pandemics...yet stand strong...I thought about us, the ones very aware of this pandemic and I’ve seen so many differing reactions...fear, anger, denial,strength, weakness, sadness and downright despair..I’ve seen kindness but also hatefulness....I’ve seen helpfulness and hopelessness...I’ve seen hero’s in many areas...I look around and I feel sad, but also hopeful at the same time...sad for what society has lost and some of the
loss came before the pandemic...the loss of compassion and respect for those of a differing opinion...I feel hopeful that somehow moving forward in the next months to years we can unite and find the respect and compassion for each other as human beings and not look at each other political rivals...our world and times are changing...good or bad at this point I’m unsure...but I know for me, I want to take this time and reflect, rejoice, and remain ever mindful of dad always said...prepare for the worst and hope for the best...I think that’s sound a world where you can be kind, be mindful, and take care...Times are changing....

Until next time...